Industry Applications
Revit and IFC on the HoloLens 2
Twinbuild is a cloud-based platform for viewing Revit, Rhino, IFC, DXF and OBJ models on the HoloLens 2. Twinbuild is optimized for large teams and frontline workers, and supports high precision placement with multiple markers for building-scale models.

Offsite Construction and Prefabrication
Streamline assembly and installation tasks
Viewing 2D and 3D assembly information in mixed reality helps minimize mistakes and improve set out productivity by eliminating mistakes commonly associated with reading printed drawings. Mixed reality guides are particulary suited to assembly tasks with multiple unique parts / lengths / joints, as well as during prefabrication of cabling, pipework and other services.
Learn how DesignLogiq are using Twinbuild in modular light guage steel construction:

Light Guage Steel Construction

Curved Masonry
Stonework and Masonry
Simplify setout of curved brickwork and carved stone
Mixed reality guides effectively replace manual measurements when setting out radiuses or brick types on complex wall designs. Models can be viewed simultaneously on multiple devices, enabling parallel construction from any point.
Learn how Allbrick used Mixed Reality in the construction of the Royal Hobart Hospital:
Manufacturing and Steel Fabrication
Drag and Drop QA
Twinbuild's drag and drop interface lets you quickly upload a DXF, IFC or OBJ model to the cloud and fix this virtual model to physical objects using printed QR codes. This makes it easy to compare the virtual model to the physical object, and to quickly identify and fix any discrepancies.
IFab Steel
QA on Spiral Stair